Thursday, October 9, 2008

Be a life bridge--Give LIFE!

Many times throughout the course of my work, I've met people who shared their stories and experiences, their gratitude, and love for life. Colette Jordan is one I am honoured to say I have met vis-a-vis through her son and am thankful to have known ever since.

With gratitude to her and her continuing stream of acts that raise awareness and inspire others, I am extending her life bridge here via sharing her blog post--reaching out to all of you, asking you to consider being a life bridge in another way. After all, there are SO MANY ways to give, to be the bridge, the boat, the passage, to extend life and love and value for another human being. Namaste
From Colette:

Hello family and friends,

At this time of year, when fall is upon us and the earth is going into hibernation whilst preparing for rebirth next spring, I begin to feel even more gratitude for life. November 1st marks the anniversary of my lifesaving liver transplant. This November 1st, the National Day of Re-birth; it will be 2 years that I received the precious gift of life from a family that I have never met. Because of this selfless act of charity, I have been able to enjoy almost 700 sunrises and sunsets and am truly grateful for each and every day.

I want to ask if you would find it in your heart to help me spread the word about organ donation in your faith community this November 14-16th. National Donor Sabbath is an annual observance to raise awareness, through religious communities, of the urgent need for organ and tissue donation. Currently there are almost 5,000 people in Illinois and 100,000 nationwide waiting for lifesaving transplants, . Won't you share this attachment and website information with your clergy asking them to put a notice in their bulletin, or to talk to the congregation about this ultimate act of charity? After speaking to the congregation or posting in the weekly bulletin- local transplant recipients (like myself) and donor family members could come to your place of worship and hold a registration drive to register congregation into the Illinois Donor Registry after worship services on the weekend of November 14-16th.

Please take the time to peruse the Gift of Hope website and then send me a note or give me a call. I would be happy to answer any questions regarding donation, and have faith based literature to share with you and your religious community. Thank you again for being there for me when I needed love and support through my transplant experience. I now ask that you help me to help the other 5,000 currently waiting for their second chance at life. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Together we can help save lives. What a beautiful way to honor God's greatest gift- Life! Gift of Hope
Colette's Blog and Contact Info

If you cannot personally do this, then please pass this it on and celebrate life with others, appreciating the moments at hand, the here and now, the past, the present and the inevitable, selfless and seemingly hidden life bridges that have sustained and nurtured your life and those around you. Thanks in advance for all you do and for being you and special thanks to Colette for sharing this.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We are ALL Lifebridges joined in Oneness

In an earlier post, I elaborated upon what I thought were lifebridges........

We encounter them every moment both within our view and beyond sight.
Throughout the years, I have often looked around me and realized that they were everywhere--within the strangers I met, among my college classmates, Professors, colleagues, family, global family, friends, within the people in geographically distant places, across time and culture, I learned about, read about and reached out to through whatever means I could. This is all that we can do.

Sometimes, the wellspring and awakening of compassion and offerings of love and prayer are the gifts of such encounters. Sometimes, it is the wisdom imparted or the profound humility. At other times, it is the gift of friendship, companionship, steps shared along the journey. At other times, it is mutual respect through differences and the call for more love and self-cultivation. Sometimes, it is a call to act, to share, to give more, love more and encourage more.
No matter what the encounter yields, it is a gift, a connection, a reminder of the Oneness that joins us all--the wellspring of the human experience.
Namaste, 湘君

Friday, January 25, 2008


Spirits intermingled,
Souls intertwined, they meet.
They dance, from time to time.
Along the paths, the many varied paths,
This life reveals from time to time,
Each must choose.
Each must travel.
Spirits intermingle;
Souls intertwine.
Enlightenment enters; fullness thrives.
Experiences shared, they travel on,
richer, so much richer,
for the encounter of the journey.

杜湘君 2005

Monday, January 14, 2008

What IS a Life Bridge?

What is a life bridge? What entities do they encompass?

Are they the people we encounter?

The strangers, the passersby, the friends, family, colleagues, associates, classmates, neighbors, etc.
Have you ever pondered their roles?

After all, we all stand witness for each other, interdependently exist and co-exist, support, transform and reflect each other.

Without any of these people, even the ones behind the scenes, unknown to us, would our lives not be altered in unforeseeable ways?

Are they time and circumstance?

Chance meetings, delays, happenstance, yuanfen (缘分)?

Are they correspondence, message board interactions?

Are they the hardships, the times we seemingly walk alone?

Are they natural interventions, storms and sunshine?

What are life bridges anyway?

We encounter them within nearly every moment of our lives and yet we most often remember the ones that register most significantly within our minds.

How many life bridges can you recall? How many seemingly insignificant ones now enter your mind's eye? How many are you grateful for?

Life bridges connect us to each other, revitalize, transform, protect, and cultivate us without warning. They propel us through life! They emanate the divine, the humane, the Oneness of all.

Namaste my life bridges known and unknown! 杜湘君