Monday, September 17, 2007

Bridges in the Middle of the World

May I be a boat, a bridge, a passage for those desiring the further shore.

Within the middle of the world, within midsouth China, I was so priviledged to encounter and live with persons from more than 60 different countries. Despite the obvious linguistic, cultural and belief differences, we celebrated each others' holidays, life events, comforted each other and encouraged each other. We became each others' family, teachers, students, etc.

Even now, as I sit on the other side of the world missing them all, I still feel the connection to each one of them and smile.

From that time and space, I more fully realize how deeply affected we are by world events and by our heartstrings. It more fully inaugurated each one of us as global citizens and reminded us that we are ONE FAMILY.

I only hope that anyone who encounters these words and memories ponders the implications of such and opens his/her heart to the world family in which we all play a part.

Namaste, 湘君

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