A not so novel thought entered my mind today midst meditation....
One Big Rice Bowl
The whole world gathered around one big rice bowl
Partaking in a meal as one big family
sharing in the riches of the earth,
celebrating and appreciating each other
and every step, every part of the effort that made it possible.
When I reflect upon this, an unimaginable, infinite peace overcomes my being.
We are, after all, ONE- One Family living in ONE world joined together
Heart to heart
Soul to soul
rising before the same sun and resting under the same moon,
live within the same world,
all shades of each other, completing each other, and complementing each other.
Together we are ONE!
As I let the rice bowl and the communal meal more fully enter my thoughts
there is no burden; separateness disappears and balance is restored.
The world is our rice bowl!
It invites us everyday, every moment.
All world citizens are honoured family members. How can we turn anyone away?
How can we not share, empower, encourage, or show compassion, love, and understanding
for our sisters or our brothers?
The world is our rice bowl...
the earth we till, the plants and animals, the water,
the resources we have....
No one really owns them.
Rather we are caretakers of the earth, of each other,
bound by sacred contract and reciprocity.
Imagine the rice bowl today.......
Let it fill your heart and mind
with love and peace.
Let its power move through you
flow back into the universe.
The rice bowl is here, my friends.
Will you come to the table of the world
share for the sake of others, appreciate the moment,
the rice that nourishes, the land, sun water and people that made it possible,
love, laugh, and listen and join the family?
One big rice bowl...........
As you ponder these thoughts and step toward the world table,
live and love a little more and
find comfort in the reality that love and peace always abide.
In the spirit of giving,
play the rice game at
to feed the hungry
while exercising your mind
and increasing your capacity to give
across the miles, building life bridges
extending warmth and light and even better yet
more places at the rice bowl.
May I be a boat, a bridge, a passage for those desiring the further shore.