Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Waning Days of the Ox

As the days of the Ox slowly fade into the horizon and give rise to the Tiger, I find myself reflecting, stepping into the flames, dancing within them, letting them burn away the excess while inspiring their strength and vitality, striving toward renewal. This last year has brought trials and tests and many realizations. Mostly it reminded me that I am fortunate to have a global family that loves me unconditionally.

Sifting through the layers of inquiry and recombination, so many aspects become clear. Knowledge deepening occurs without warning. So does the subsequent journey.

Home is where the heart is always and forever.

Love knows no borders. Neither does suffering. When we listen with our hearts we understand each other.

Collectives are powerful and insular and offer invaluable lessons.

Health is your default setting. "Illness is the messenger," as Deena Metzger teaches.

The chasm between illness and healing offers innumerable possibilities.
Midst the current paradigm shift, the world is in the chasm! Mirroring the experience of those afflicted with illness globally, many institutions face this chasm of uncertainty, challenged by their own conventions and/or limitations. While Dr. Margaret Chan revisited this conversation and expanded the use of traditional medicine as primary care in every nation, many governments are simply lost, devoid of the tools and/or the personnel and resources to accomplish this. Luckily, a few people I've encountered, friends and colleagues, have both the skills and knowledge to usher them across and initiate them into more sustainable, effective and integrated practices. (Hasten the day!)

Patience is a virtue.
While many of the illnesses of modernity could easily be prevented and/or eradicated simply through traditional means, patience is perhaps difficult. It is what tests me daily in the wake of global suffering. It propels me even when I lack the strength or resources to do so. Alleviation of suffering, health and healing always beckon. So does global understanding:)

Cooperation coauthors survival!